Force and Displacement

It is often desirable to study the Force generated by the action of a particular subject or preparation. The UFI model 1030 Force transducer can be used for many such requirements. A number of additional force blades can be rotated into or out of line to allow the 1030 to accommodate a wide variety of force ranges.

You might also be interested in measuring the linear movement or Displacement of a particular subject or preparation. The UFI model 1040 Displacement transducer can be used for many such requirements. A long sensing blade allows nearly isotonic measurement over substantial travels.

For both the 1030 and 1040, we can also supply a 2121 9V battery powered portable amplifier configured to provide a high-level signal from the 1030 or 1040, for connection to your existing data collection system. The 1030 or 1040 are also easily interfaced to our SC2000 Simple Scope. We can also add a connector to the 1030 or 1040 to provide direct plug-in for many available signal conditioners.

If you still have questions, or if you don't see what you need, drop us a line, and we will see how we can help you!

Product Families:
Bioamps/signal conditioners
Ambulatory data loggers
Hot Flash Recording
BAERCOM™ hearing tester
PC-based instruments
Multi-subject systems
Test instruments