Technical Literature

Representative User manuals for some of our products

These manuals can be viewed to get some idea about both the characteristics of these devices, and how they can be used. (Any pricing information included is probably out of date and incorrect.) The following manuals are available for review at this time:

Technical notes

From time to time, UFI prepares brief technical notes to assist our customers. In these, we address both general topics and some specific to our products. The following is a complete list of all the written technical notes available at this time. If your question is not covered, please contact us for help -- we'll be happy to do so!

Physiometry 101 Articles

These articles supply basic background for physiometry, the art of measuring various qualities or aspects about a living thing. And for physiometry on human subjects, skin surface electrodes are often just a fact of life.

BLog Posts

These brief papers supply mild opinion positions by UFI staff on various subjects.

Published references to UFI products

Over 150 links - to abstracts and full-text papers, dissertations, books and reports of research in progress - show how our customers accomplish their goals with UFI products.

Product Families:
Bioamps/signal conditioners
Ambulatory data loggers
Hot Flash Recording
BAERCOM™ hearing tester
PC-based instruments
Multi-subject systems
Test instruments