Multi-Subject Data Collection System

Physiometry on an audience? What about distributed workers addressing a common task? The MSDCS is custom designed for your 'aggregate' physiometry data collection needs.

Example setting for a UFI MSDCS System

MSDCS 1 and 2

In 2000, UFI was approached by a prominent American university that wanted to instrument a multimedia evaluation auditorium for psycho-physiological research. In response, we designed a subject signal-conditioner package based on our Simple Scope™ platform. As the initial physiological measures, we included beat-by-beat heart rate, taken from an infrared pulse plethysmograph (PPG), and skin conductance. We later added precision-rectified electromyography (EMG) for instrumenting small facial muscles.

As part of the project, UFI designed a multi-subject data and power network, including a central data collection controller. This device compiled the data from all the individual subject packages into a single data set.

The data collection controller sends successive data sets by cable to a PC in the control room at high speed. UFI Software running on the PC supervises data plotting and saving, as well as printing and clipboard access.


In 2006, another university asked UFI to design an MSDCS system for its research. They required more than two channels, but wanted a channel configuration that was flexible enough to support a number of different research protocols.

The resulting MSDCS 4 packages are designed to be attached to the back of the subject's chair. The signal conditioners for this system are 'plug-in', and different combinations of plug-ins allow use across vastly different research protocols. Using this plug-in approach, the researcher can connect up to eight channels of physiological signal conditioning to each of his or her subjects, and run their protocol. After their research is done, another researcher can come in and re-arrange the plug-ins and run an entirely different protocol.

Each subject's MSDCS package is linked by USB cable to a central PC, where data collection, plotting and saving is managed by the MSDCS 4 software.

MSDCS 4 features


The MSDCS 5 system was commissioned by a military research facility in 2010, and shipped the following year. This system supplies 2 channels of signal conditioning (ECG/IBI and Respiration) for up to 6 tether-connected divers. Robust subject isolation and under-water use were crucial design aspects for this system.

How would your MSDCS system look?

As you can see, each MSDCS system is carefully custom crafted for your research facility and specific needs. We look forward to the opportunity to evaluate your research requirements, to see if a UFI MSDCS system will work for you!

Published references to the MSDCS

Product Families:
Bioamps/signal conditioners
Ambulatory data loggers
Hot Flash Recording
BAERCOM™ hearing tester
PC-based instruments
Multi-subject systems
Test instruments