UFI Model 2121 Custom Bioamplifier
Well, maybe you have looked around our web site, and maybe a lot of other web sites too, but you have just not found what your after. Shaking your head slowly, you are probably thinking "Now, what..."
Let us know! If you can't find the signal conditioner you need, tell us what you want! We will see if we can build it for you!
That is what the 2121 is all about!
The 2121 is our part number for a custom configured bioamplifier, a single channel or multiple channel portable signal conditioner that we carefully craft to your unique requirements. To begin with, you can specify from the following characteristics to suit your application:
- Enclosure Type and Size
- Number of channels
- Bioelectric channels: ECG, EMG, EOG, EEG, EGG, etc.
- Transducer channels: PPG, respiration, temperature, force, pressure, audio, etc.
- Proprietary signal conditioner channels: Skin Conductance, impedance respiration, etc.
- Channel gain, high- and low-frequency filtering for each channel
- Any additional signal reduction required for each channel: peak detection, rate calculation, interval timing, precision rectification, V to F, etc.
- Other options: onboard A-to-D, onboard memory, signal display, PC interface, PC support software, etc.
- Input and output connectors for each channel
- Controls, labeling, power supply type (battery and/or wall-mount transformer), case and other packaging details
And this is just for starters! We have fairly broad experience in physiometry, signal conditioning and data collection systems, among other things.
Let us quote your dream system!