UUB BioLogs

From 2000 feet below the Antarctic ice to 15,000 feet in the air, these tiny low-power physiological data loggers open new research frontiers

UFI initially developed the UUB BioLog for the Paul Ponganis Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Their ongoing studies of the diving physiology of emperor penguins had utilized our 3991 BioLogs for several years. These birds dive to depths of up to 1750 feet (534m) below the Antarctic sea ice, so the loggers require thick-walled pressure enclosures.

In 2009 we designed the Universal Underwater Biolog (UUB). The "universal" part was intended to convey the message that this logger would support signal conditioners beyond just the ECG functionality initially requested. And indeed, by adding a tiny 3-axis MEMS accelerometer chip to the 0.55" by 2.000" (14mm x 50.8mm) "core" board, we went a long way toward meeting the requirements of the five additional customers listed in the next section. Small added "daughterboards" piggy-backed onto the core boards met the remainder of their hardware requirements. Additions to the firmware for the logger microprocessors and to the PC host software did the rest.

Early UUB applications

Currently Available Signal Conditioners

Example UUB and customer-supplied housing

This data logger is the UUB/4-EIAP model, configured to measure ECG and IBI (interbeat interval), 3-axis acceleration and seawater pressure up to 1000 meters below sea level.

The single 3.6V AA lithium cell at left powers all channels for over 56 hours of recording time using 50 Hz ECG sampling.

UUB Selected Specifications

A Note about Pricing

Current pricing for UUB recorders can be found on our price list. Note however that these prices only include the actual PCB assembly supporting A-D conversion and data recording for the signal conditioner channels you require.

As a company policy, we try to not 'nickel and dime' our customers. We try to include as many costs and items as appropriate in each purchase, with each system. But the varied demands of 'in the wild' recording often results in such varied requirements. We hope our UUB customers will understand!

Let us know what you need!

If you don't see what your UUB would need, drop us a line and tell us what you want! Most UUB solutions differ substantially one from another. Let us see what we can do for you.

Product Families:
Bioamps/signal conditioners
Ambulatory data loggers
Hot Flash Recording
BAERCOM™ hearing tester
PC-based instruments
Multi-subject systems
Test instruments