Serving Science with Experience

since 1978

UFI manufactures electronic instruments

for Research and Teaching in the Life Sciences

Both pictures below hold MANY direct links to specific Web Pages!

list of many UFI products

list of many physiometry measures

You can also use the 'Product Family' links to the left to browse our site to find what you need!

UFI has been supplying the biological, physiological, psycho-physiological and medical research communities with electronic instruments and accessories for over 30 years. You will find links for our standard products to the left, but dont hesitate to contact us about your specific requirements. We fully understand that research frequently requires unique equipment, and we have been doing 'specials' for many years!

USA National Monument

Made In America

UFI instruments are made in the USA in our Morro Bay facility.

We can't control where in the world the components we purchase are manufactured. And some secondary operations are farmed out to local shops. But from that point on, all UFI products are carefully hand-crafted, then individually tested right here in our UFI facility. Maybe this makes our prices a little higher. But it is also more globally responsible.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but our telephone lines can only call continental US locations. For Canada, Mexico and all other international locations, Email is the best way to contact us.

UFI Tech Advisory

Back in the day... Computers used to be reliable and stable... Computers used to be here to help us do what we need, what we want... Sigh...

"Aarrggghhh!!!" Maybe a year ago, our emails to our customers began to be... "lost". This has only gotten worse over time... No no, this is not our fault. This is MicroApp T Gewgle's fault! Maybe during a Petris game, some thousand dollar chair there blurted out "SSL Cert for All! ...or Else!!" (no skin off their nose). We didn't have that, never needed that, have never collected any customer data, never used cookies even. But now, we are... bad, and our emails, even text only replies, are getting routinely dumped in the bit bucket. And even MONTHS AFTER we bought our cert... This is... disgusting... How can we stay in busines without... Oh wait, maybe that... Please be patient with us, as we cough up the time and the bucks to clean up their mess.

"Aarrggghhh!!!" We have recommended FTP for downloading install software from our web site. This is a HUGE customer convenience in case your dog chewed up your install CD or you got a new computer with just internet connectivity. Guess what? The latest PC browser (like edje) does NOT support FTP?!?!? And I guess other browsers are dropping this too?!? Take a few deep breaths, find an older computer, and use Esplorer to do the FTP Download, then put it on a USB drive right away, move it to the target computer, maybe even hang on to it. Short of purchasing an FTP app (which is probably... nevermind), using old Esplorer is the only work-around we know of at present.

"Aaarrggghhh!!!" I just got a new computer, and read the manual, and did everything... Nothing is working... And I have puppies coming this weekend! Help!" Well, we haven't received this email yet. But given recent updates to the operating system on PC type computers... This UFI Software Install doc includes the latest information (8/2020) for installing UFI software on currently available PC type computers, explaining hazards we found along with work-arounds, for both the software install as well as USB Driver installation. We hope it helps!

"Aaarrggghhh!!!" This Aargh is for you :( ... Ok, so our current software install guidance notes that "S-Mode" must be turned off on newer computers in order to install UFI software. And "S-Mode" stands for Store Mode, meaning you can ONLY purchase "Apps" (software programs) from THEIR STORE. You can ONLY get any additional software from THEIR STORE until "S-Mode" is turned off. Well, we are noting that new computers are now being sold as "S-Mode" computers. We don't have the bucks to verify this, but we doubt THESE computers can have "S-Mode" turned off. This means that, after you purchase such a computer (probably will be cheaper) you will ONLY be able to purchase software from THEM, from their STORE... no matter what... (Fromebook has been like this for years.) HOWEVER -- let the buyer beware!!! If the computer you just bought is LOCKED into "S-Mode", there is no way UFI software can be installed on it!!! Say it with us... "Aaaarrrgggghhh!"

(Talking to myself... At an accellerated rate, we are being forced to throw perfectly good electronics into the landfill, cough up even more bucks for even more energy hungry hardware, just to power their growing big data / big dollar siphons. Agw? Energy use? shakes head...)

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Product Families:
BAERCOM™ hearing tester
Bioamps/signal conditioners
Ambulatory data loggers
Hot Flash Recording
PC-based instruments
Multi-subject systems
Test instruments